Coffee Recipes: Make a Creamy Espresso Martini with Coffee Kreis [Video Tutorial]

Whether you want to impress your friends, have a special date, or try a drink with your family during dinner, the Espresso Martini is one of the most famous coffee recipes that combines the energy of coffee with the stress relief that vodka offers.

Do you know how to make it? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to prepare an Espresso Martini easily and practically, with included videos.

Gather These Ingredients for Your Espresso Martini

To start preparing this coffee recipe, we recommend having or purchasing the following ingredients:

  • 50 ml of vodka (coffee vodka can also work)

  • 30 ml of coffee liqueur (known as Kahlúa)

  • 30 ml of espresso

  • Ice

What Vodka Should You Use for an Espresso Martini?

There’s no specific type of vodka we recommend, but the important thing is, as obvious as it sounds, that it’s vodka. The only advice we can give is to consider the alcohol content. You can verify this on the bottle label.

Remember, the higher the alcohol volume percentage in a vodka bottle, the greater the risk of alcohol intoxication.

Did you know there’s a Russian variety with 95% alcohol content?

Let’s Get Started

Once you have all the ingredients at hand, we’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to make it, along with a video to help you better understand the preparation process.

First Step: Make the Espresso and Let It Cool

Brew 30 ml of espresso or the equivalent of a small cup. If you don’t have an espresso machine, you can use the following alternatives to create your own espresso.

Alternatives to Create Your Own Espresso

Here are some alternatives to make espresso if you don’t have an espresso machine:

  • Moka Pot (Italian Coffee Maker): To make espresso in a moka pot, fill the base with water up to the safety valve. Then fill the filter with finely ground coffee without pressing it down too much. Assemble the pot and place it over medium heat. When you hear the characteristic bubbling sound, remove it from the heat and serve.

  • Aeropress: To get a good espresso with an Aeropress, place the filter in the Aeropress and add finely ground coffee. Add hot water up to the number 2 mark on the Aeropress, stir for about 10 seconds, and press down slowly to serve a concentrated coffee similar to espresso.

  • French Press: Another alternative is to use a French press. Add 2 tablespoons of finely ground coffee per 120 ml of hot water. Let it sit for about 4 minutes, then press the plunger down slowly to filter the coffee. The result will be a more concentrated coffee, though not as intense as an espresso.

Second Step for your espresso martini: Have a Cocktail Shaker Ready. But What If I Don’t Have One?

As shown in the video, we usually start by putting ice in the cocktail shaker. But if you don’t have a cocktail shaker, don’t worry; here are some alternatives that can work well for your Espresso Martini:

Homemade Alternatives to a Cocktail Shaker

Here are some alternatives you can use if you don’t have a cocktail shaker:

  • Double Glass: If you have two glasses, one larger than the other, you can simulate a cocktail shaker. Place the ice in the smaller glass and cover it with the larger glass inverted. This helps minimize the risk of spills when adding the other ingredients.

  • Jar with a Lid: Find a glass jar with a lid at home. If you have a Mason Jar, even better. Put all the ingredients in the jar, close it tightly, and shake without any problems.

  • Blender: If you find a blender at home or wherever you’re preparing the Espresso Martini, it can be an excellent alternative. Ensure the container is deep enough to prevent spills during blending.

Third Step: Add 50 ml of Vodka

Once the ice is in the container, add 50 ml of vodka. To help you measure 50 ml, you can use the following equivalence:

  • 3 tablespoons equal 45 ml + 1 teaspoon equals 5 ml

  • 1 full shot glass equals 50 ml

Fourth Step for your espresso martini: Add 30 ml of Coffee Liqueur

Add the exact amount of coffee liqueur to the container. Using the previous equivalence, this would be:

  • 2 tablespoons

  • A little over ½ shot glass

Fifth Step: Add the Cold Espresso

It’s important to add the previously prepared espresso at a cold temperature to enhance the tasting experience. The recommended amount of espresso for an Espresso Martini glass is 30 ml.

Sixth Step: Shake and Serve

Once all the ingredients are in the shaker or container, close it tightly and shake for 15 to 20 seconds. Shaking will help chill the mixture and create a foam layer on top of the drink.

You can serve it in one of our Kreis Latte Cups or a cocktail glass.

What Does an Espresso Martini Taste Like?

If you love coffee, this drink has a noticeable coffee flavor, combined with the properties that vodka and coffee liqueur bring to your palate. Some describe it as a creamy and sweet drink.

Michalis Dimitrakopoulos, 2019 World Barista Championship runner-up, describes this drink as “one of the best drinks after a tough day.”

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We are Coffee Kreis, a company dedicated to making cups and plates from recycled coffee. We love coffee, its recipes, and especially taking care of the environment.

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1 comment

Janeth Lesmes Londoño

Acabo de conocerlos en un programa de Shark tank Colombia, espero que les esté yendo muy bien, soy amante del café porque siendo hija de una madre de la zona Cafetera en Colombia (Pereira) crecí con el aroma y sabor del café, tengo una hija también amante del café, ahora vive en Europa y su pareja también es amante del café, me encantaría poder llevarles sus tazas, con la tapa y base, podrían decirme como puedo adquirir esto para llevarles…

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