1. Does The Kreis Cup effect flavor or taste?
No, The Kreis Cup has no effect on the taste of your beverage. Just a wonderful coffee scent!
2. Where do you source the recycled coffee grounds from?
Currently, we partner with associations, hotels, restaurants and coffee shops to recycle their used coffee grounds in Colombia. We plan to expand this to the US and more countries in Latin America.
3. Are you planning to introduce 6, 8, or 16oz in the future?
Yes! We plan to offer additional sizes and designs after a successful campaign!
4. Are the products dishwasher safe?
Absolutely! That is just one of the benefits of The Kreis Cups!
5. Are your products reusable?
Yes! It is designed to last for years for both home and commercial users. It is heat resistant and durable.
6. Are The Kreis Cups hot when you hold it?
No, The Kreis Cup comes with a double walled layer to increase thermal insulation, that will help keep your coffee hot longer, without being hot on the outside.
7. Are there any harmful plastics or materials?
No! We're proud to say we're sustainable, made primarily from recycled coffee grounds and combined with plant based and organic materials that increases durability and consistency. The final product will eventually go through laboratory testing and FDA approval to ensure our products are completely safe for use.
Any additional questions? Feel free to reach us at infocoffeekreis@gmail.com